Anyway, I found this list on a website yesterday (courtesy of, so I thought I would go through it and see what all I have done. Hmmmm... let's find out, shall we?
1. Set goals - Yep, I've done this!
2. Keep a plant alive - Oh, no! I fail miserably at this! I can't even keep the unkillable plants alive!
3. Care for a baby - Does babysitting count? Because I am WAY far away from doing this myself!
4. CPR - I've always wanted to get certified...
5. Feel confident naked - ummm, sure?
6. Interview for a job - I've done this, but as a skill? Mostly I feel like I rely on luck...
7. Bake a birthday cake - Yes! For every family member. Ask my sister how her cake turned out this year. Quite good if I say so myself!
8. Use a fire extinguisher - I've never used one, but I know HOW to use one, and that's important
9. Use a compass - Hey, I was a girl scout once!
10. Express condolences - Yeah, but there's really no comment on this
11. Tell a joke - I might be terrible at it, but I've done it!
12. Remember names - uh.... yeah, I'm kinda bad at that.
13. Sharpen a knife - With very bad consequences. Needless to say, I'm not allowed to play with sharp objects.
14. Dump a poisonous friend - I have never dumped a friend. Maybe backed away for awhile
15. Check your oil and tires - I know how to do this!
16. Relax/Meditate - ooohhhh, that's a hard one. My life is one big ball of stress!
17. Apologize - It might be hard to do, but it is an important skill
18. Be polite - I'm from the south, of course I know how to be polite!
19. Get a good night’s sleep - Again, hard to do when your life is stressful, but very rewarding when you get it!
20. Dress appropriately for the situation - I suck at this! But I'm learning to always over dress than under dress. Better to look nicer in the situation than like you don't care.
21. Type - I can type a mile a minute! Thanks to high school BCIS!
22. Fight fair - as in physically fighting? never really done that. But I'm sure I would fight fair. Wouldn't I?
23. Read - I love to read! It keeps me up way late at night, but totally worth it.
24. Ask for exactly what you want - It depends if it's worth it or not...
25. Trap a rat or mouse - eewww! I'm not sure I could do that. Though, I do work with mice, but those are clean mice. Trapping a wild mice? Do you know how many germs there might be on those things? eeewww!
26. Basic stretches and/or yoga poses - I know basic stretching thanks to 13 years of dance, but I would like to know some yoga poses...
27. Heimlich - Something I would like to learn to do properly
28. Please a partner sexually - yeah, no.
29. Tell your partner what you want in bed - Again, not happened yet.
30. Shine your shoes - No, but a lot of my shoes need it.
31. Make your case in writing - I don't think so. Unless it's my thesis, then yes, in what will be about 100 pages. Ugh, thinking about it makes me stressed.
32. Tie a scarf or tie (bowtie too) - I know how to do some tieing (spelling?) of scarfs. Thanks to the ladies who work for my dad at the hospital. They are super awesome!
33. Jump a car - Unfortunately I do know how to do this. My battery has suffered ever since...
34. Mix a signature drink - As in my own drink? No, but I make a mean margarita!
35. Delegate - somewhat.
36. Make a simple meal for company - I love doing this! I haven't done it in awhile, I should do it again...
37. Give a neckrub - No, it seems awkward to me.
38. Drive a stick - haha! Somewhat! My dad taught me, but I haven't done it in traffic or anything...
39. Ride a bike - Yes, and I fell off a lot. I have the scars to prove it.
40. Swim - I love to swim! Best thing there is! I took swimming lessons every summer I was a child, sometimes from 3 different places at once (maybe my parents were over-cautious?). It turned me into a water baby...
41. Use chopsticks - Yep, my friends wouldn't let me use a fork when we would go eat sushi...
42. Make a new friend - Everyone knows how to do this! right?
43. Build something simple - No, I'm not really sure I have...
44. Change a tire and put on snow chains - I know how to change a tire, though I've never done it myself. Same with snow chains. Though, if I move up north I might need to learn how...
45. Give a toast - No, I've never done that.
46. Make a perfect egg - I only like scramble eggs, but I can make those really well!
47. Speak in public - I'm in science, it's a skill I'm learning...
48. Improve your mood - From sad to happy? Nothing ice cream or a good friend can't fix!
49. Simple mending - Mending as in sewing? With my grandmother? I learned how sew on buttons, hem my jeans and pants (she stopped when I was 15. I can't help it if I'm short!), sew up holes, and even make my own pajama shorts and t-shirt quilts one of my biggest accomplishments!
50. Travel light - No, I can honestly say I cannot do this.
51. Steam vegetables - Yes, although I don't do it often.
52. Negotiate - I kinda suck at it...
53. Be a good listener - I would like to think I am...
54. Be alone comfortably - Yep!
55. Select good produce - I can do this, too...
56. Maintain your weight - Maintain, yes. Lose, no.
57. Build savings - You can't build savings if you don't get paid... sigh...
58. Say no/disappoint someone - Unfortunately...
59. Use a drill - I've never done it, but now I want to use one!
60. Flexibility in the face of the unexpected - Yep. Although I admit I'm stubborn, so it might take awhile...
61. Make small talk - Again, not too good at it...
62. Skip a rock - I have done it before, but I think luck was on my side...
63. Set personal boundaries - yes?
64. Organize your home - Eek! I would like to think I am kinda organized, but I always want to be more so. At least most of the time I can find everything. That's a plus.
65. Deliver a eulogy - No, I have not done this.
66. Shuffle a deck of cards - Yep!
67. Dance socially - Not really. Unless it's line dancing. Hey! I did say I was from the south...
68. Know a second language - I wish I did! My college roommate tried to teach me, but I only caught a few phrases.
69. Win the affection of a dog or cat - Of course! I DO have the best cat out there. Remind me, I need to include a picture...
70. Write a quality love letter - No
71. Play one card game well - Anyone want to challenge me in a game of Cribbage?
72. Eat healthfully - I'm working on this. I've done, well, not extremely well lately, but a lot better than before.
73. Create a budget - Yes, I do know how to do this. Although, Christmas threw me off, but I'm getting back on.
74. Take a decent photo - Yes
75. Order the wine - Uh... No, but I do give input when someone else orders.
76. Know what makes you happy - Mostly, but I think my list is growing
77. Flirt - Not well. It's a skill I might need to learn...
78. Make a good first impression - I hope I do.
79. Write a thank you note - Yes.
80. Find a perfect gift - Not often, but I love the rush when I do!
81. Assertiveness - It depends...
82. Arriving on time - Working on it...
83. Make a little kid laugh - I've done this!
84. Kiss well - Another skill I need to learn...
85. Make a good mix tape - Oh yes.
86. Tie basic knots - I can tie a mean square knot, again thanks to girl scouts...
87. Dress to flatter your shape - Again, working on it...
88. Build a campfire - Girl Scouts, remember?
89. Change the subject - Yes, although my friend says I don't do it well. I just think he doesn't follow with the conversation to begin with though...
90. Acquire or shed a habit - I'm working on getting rid of the nail biting thing. Such a bad habit!
91. Treat a hangover - To my credit, I've only been truly hungover twice or so, but this means that I don't really know how to treat one. Advil and water, right?
92. Be a good judge of character - I find I'm sometimes too critical at first glance. I'm working on it, because most people turn out way better than I give them credit for at first. Wow, that makes me sound like a not-so-good person...
93. Season a cast-iron skillet - As in you never, EVER put one in a dishwater, or wash one for that matter?
94. Give a compliment - Yes, I think I can do this.
95. Accept a compliment - I read somewhere that you should just say thank you, and not try to reflect it by saying something else or give a long explanation. I'm working on it.
96. Contribute in group situations - Depends on the group
97. Judge yourself by your own yardstick - Huh? If you're talking about judging myself, yes, I do do that.
98. Calculate the tip - Yes! I've successfully managed to figure it out! Math really isn't my strong point...
99. Ask for a raise - I need to work on getting paid first...
100. Build a shelter - I can set up a tent, does that count?
Other suggestions:
-Do a load of laundry - I think by graduate school everyone should know how to do this.
-Keep your living space clean - Hey! I'm working on it!
-Write legibly - Never going to happen.
-Choose a good mate - Working on it...
-Ask for help - Even though I am annoying because I ask too much, I feel it's better to be annoying but do it right the first time.
Wow, I can't believe I just went through that whole list. I think I did pretty good knowing how to do some of those things. lol.
Anyway, this was quite a long post for me. Enjoy it!
My cute kitten, London! Here with the sister, right after I first got him. He is so adorable! And tiny here!
Here he is, asleep on my journal article that I needed to present the next day. I guess he decided I was paying more attention to that than to him... He still looks so tiny!
So, my teddy bear lost the fight. As usual...
Haha! Here he is wrapped up in my blanket. So cute!
So, I finally posted a few pictures of my cutest kitten. More pictures to come!
Yay Amy! London is absolutely adorable! If we didn't have two precious pups, I'd try to convince Alan to get me a cat.