Friday, September 17, 2010

London's 'Tail' (get it?)

Hi all!

I wanted my own say on what Montana is like. Here's MY version of the move:

I was so ready to move!

Even if I liked to hide in my mom's boxes...

We had a brief stay at my mom's momma and daddy's house...

...where I teased the dog by attacking her, then running into my own safe room, where she couldn't get to me. Ha! Take that, Cabella!

On the ride up north, I liked to ride in what was left of the backseat....

....or in my mom's momma's lap. Very comfortable.

After we arrived in Bozeman, I quickly found 'my' room. Not the guest room, or mom's momma's room. MY room.

I really liked to climb on top of bookshelves....

... and knock all of my mom's pictures over.

And when she caught me that one time, I liked to hide in her freshly washed pillows. It's funny to watch her get so frustrated!

After I got this really cool bowl from Mimi and Aunt Julie, I refuse to drink my water from anywhere else. And it has to be freshly filled. On the counter. It's the only way I'll drink my water.

I really like to hide on the cabinets in the kitchen. Sometimes, it freaks my mom out when she can't find me. She should just know where I am, and what I want, at all times. Silly mom...

But I like to make my mom feel better by laying in her lap and watching tv with her, even if she still colors in coloring books...

However, I do not like it if she tries to take my picture and I'm not ready. To retaliate, I make sure to lay on her black pillows. That way, my white fur will stay all over her black pillowcase!

Sometimes, when it's warm, my mom opens the door and it lets bugs in. I like to try to catch those bugs...

...even if I let them escape behind the couch.

That's okay, because my mom still lets me lay in her lap.

Once, when she was cold, she put her sweatshirt on her legs. I know it was just for me. It was very comfortable, even if she could not move for fear of disturbing me...

And her college sweatshirt is very comfy. I like to try to wear it also. Even if she still has it on...

At night before bed, I like to lounge on the bathroom floor.

Then I make myself comfy on mom's bed, and stretch out to find my spot.

Even if it takes up most of my mom's bed...

...I can usually get pretty comfortable.

All in all, I really like living here in Montana. There are tons of stairs that I like to race up and down. And TONS of windows with awesome views. It almost makes up for the fact that my mom won't let me out. She worries about my safety. But I guess that's okay. I have to let her think that she gets her way once in awhile.

So, goodnight, Montana. Me, I'm going to relax here, on my mom's lap. The perfect place to keep warm and get comfy since the temperature suddenly dropped this afternoon. My mom is going to have to eventually turn on the heat. But for now, I am a very comfortable and spoiled kitten.



  1. Loved your story from London's point of view! It took me actually reading it before I understood the title... haha... I'm a little slow these days. :)
